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A Martin Family Colorado Vacation


July 13, 2021

We love Colorado and so of course a Martin Family Colorado Vacation is just the best thing ever. In fact, if Brad and I did not have our family so close, we would most definately be moving out that way. We love everything about it. The views are spectacular, the things to do, the people and even the weather! So this June, for the 3rd time since we got married, our family headed out to CO! We have gone 2 other times to celebrate weddings, but this time was because my brother, a soon to be Army Colonel, is stationed out there.

We got amazing tickets with Spirit Airlines and so we left out house at 2am to get a 6am direct flight to Denver out of BWI. Boy were we exhausted. I was quite impressed though, the kids did really well other than Jake puking on me and Ana not sleeping on the plane. We arrived in Colorado and headed down to the springs to spend a few days with my brother and his family! We enjoyed relaxing chill time in their beautiful home, seeing my cousin’s military pinning, hiking on Cheyanne Mountain, a visit to Whit’s End at Focus on the Family and just wonderful family time.

Half way through the trip, we packed up and heading up a little ways to Castle Rock where we stayed with some dear friends. Josh was actually Brad’s best man in our wedding. Our kids had so much fun playing together. Brad got to go on TWO rounds of golf with his friends, the kids got in lots of swimming and even some play time at the splash park. I got to have some wonderful girl time where I was introduced to Sierra, pampered with a pedicure and even went out to eat for some delicious Mexican food.

Our trip was absolutely amazing and I can’t wait for our next Martin Family Colorado Vacation. Enjoy a little peek into our time. I didn’t take many pictures, so this will have to do!

We left our house at 2am, the kids did SUPER well on the plane and then were VERY excited about our rental mini van (as was mommy)!
Sprinkler time!
Addy was quite thrilled to play with the baseball… quite good form if i do say so.
This just cracks me up!
It was such an honor to be able to be at my cousins Army Pinning to Lt. Colonel!
My brother administered the oath which was awesome, there were several RVA Alumni in attendance (the school I attended in Kenya), and some extended family! Such a wonderful time!
Playing their version of Botche Ball at my cousins house for a cookout
Family Fun on Cheyanne Mountain
My Brother and his precious family!

See some more images from this session HERE!

Testing Light for Mom
She never wants to pose for me, I guess seeing her cousins posing helped!
Cousin Love
Getting in the shot!
Some more testing light for mom!
Such sweet friendship for these 2!
These 4 had so much fun together.
It was such a joy to capture some family images for some dear friends of ours!
Oh my heart!


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