On the coldest possible day of 20 degrees, at Lancaster County Central Park, I got to meet the sweetest most down to earth couple, Justin & Kayla!
The two of them grew up 30 seconds down the road from eachother and went to school together starting in Kindergarten. Isn’t that just the cutest? A few years after highschool, Justin reached out to Kayla and the rest is history!
They are both big into archery & rifle hunting of deer as well as duck/ goose hunting and even fishing. They love being on the water in the summer months, but for Kayla, Christmas and winter is her favorite time of the year. They are so very excited for this parenthood journey and to share life with their sweet little girl!
Women’s & Babies Fresh 48 Session
It was such a joy to meet sweet baby Hadley just a day after she was born! Kayla and Justin are rock stars and their baby is just adorable!

In Home Newborn Session
This little girl just rocked her session. She was as chill as could be and happy to do whatever little poses I put her in. Isn’t she just so precious?

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